Joost Oomen, Kruidkoek en Explore the North - Liefde in tijden van hopjesvla

What do you get if you put Frank Zappa and Remco Campert together in a blender? Talking Heads and Jules Deelder? Miles Davis and Simon Vinkenoog? Exactly: Kruidkoek and Joost Oomen.  In their new production, Liefde in tijden van hopjesvla, once again they bring a brilliant mix of bicep-jazz and poetry.  Their goal: to completely submerge the audience in joy, absurdity, and, well… love?

About the performance

Liefde in tijden van hopjesvla is a bold attempt to purge love songs and love poetry of dripping cliches. Because, yeah… even in these strange times, people still fall in love—but how do you say that genuinely?  How do you dodge both harp and sonnet?  How do you express the vla in your chest that’s been suddenly set ablaze?

Kruidkoek consists of four super-talented jazz musicians who were tired of coloring in the lines. For over a decade, they’ve been bringing their unique muziek from Cairo to Middelburg, from de Parade to the Tiel Flower Parade.  Joost Oomen is the most well-known young poet in the Netherlands.  He previously brought his Alle dichters hebben gouden helikopters (Every Poet has a Golden Helicopter) to the stage, where he explained poetry to the Prime Minister.  Together with Kruidkoek and production house Explore the North, Oomen created the hit performances Vruchtjes Eten and Tuut Tuut Kwantumschuim.


Script and play Joost Oomen
Music Kruidkoek, bestaande uit: Nick Feenstra (saxofoon), Bram Knol (drums), Reindert Kragt (basgitaar) en Tijmen Kooiker (gitaar)
Design Pleun Verhees, Sjaan Hofstede
Decor Studio Sjeun
Direction Jeroen Woe
PR Mathé Többen, Bente Hout

Liefde in tijden van hopjesvla is a production of Explore the North. This project has been made possible by: Ministerie van OCW, Provincie Fryslân, Gemeente Leeuwarden, Fonds 21, AFK (Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst), BNG Cultuurfonds, NORMA Fonds en LIRA Fonds. 
