Get rid of your shit
A trip to the dump is the highlight of the week for many, but getting rid of your shit can be up to 83% cozier! At the Kutzooibingo at the Stadskas, you’ll get rid of your junk while having Fun Together. From LIVE-LAUGH-LAUGH trinkets to the driveshaft of a Renault Kangoo and from half-executed diamond paintings to a bucket of gravel – bring it in as “1 Piece of Shit” and it goes out the door as the bingo prize of a (un)lucky winner!
Kutzooibingo is presented by bingophiles Age Dijkstra and Gerben Vernhout. Entrance is free, you can buy a bingo card for the shabby sum of €1.50. Other requirements: bring along a minimum and maximum of 1 Shit-piece.