Valentine's Day Special: Lady & the Tramp movie screening + spaghetti

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Valentine’s Day Special: Lady & the Tramp movie screening + spaghetti

Looking for another fun place for your Valentine’s date? Want to swoon deeply and fall in love with your sweetheart, or your friends, or just life? On Feb. 14, come watch the ultimate romantic movie classic Lady and the Vagabond on a big screen with us while you hang with your blushes over a mountain of spaghetti. Share your strands with your sweetheart, loves or sweethearts (homies), none of it matters. As long as you’re sweet! 🩷

Lady & the Tramp movie screening + spaghetti
Friday, February 14
8 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.

Lunch and dinner in our cafe
Our café is open from 12:00 to 00:00 for lunch, dinner and drinks. Will you come and enjoy our delicious three-course menu prior to the program? We offer a weekly changing vegetarian menu for only €20! Reservations can be made at