Eindpresentatie Jonge Schrijvers

Podium Explore Free

in collaboration with Meeuw jonge theater makers

The new batch of Jonge Schrijvers (Young Writers) show their development during this final presentation.

Explore the North’s Jonge Schrijvers and Meeuw young theater makers will read from their brand new work on Sunday, Feb. 9. From poetry to monologue to prose poems.

The Young Writers are learning to play with language more and more, as an instrument they are mastering more and more. Poetry classes explore form to their hearts’ content. They write poems based on wikipedia articles and news reports, exploring their fascinations and perceptions. It is a joy to witness Young Writers begin to emerge as excellent poets.

Young Writers is the writing course for young people (ages 14-18) run by MEEUW jonge theater makers and Explore the North. Young people learn the first general skills of the writing profession and are introduced to different genres such as drama, prose and poetry led by teachers Yentl van Stokkum and Koen Frijns.