Yvonne Zeegers en Martin Rombouts - Ruud vs. Nico (work-in-progress)

Writers, theater-makers and ex-lovers process the end of their relationship in a probing dialogue between both their psychotherapists.

Writers/theater-makers/ex-lovers Yvonne Zeegers and Martin Rombouts create a performance about the end of their relationship and their two psychotherapists, each with totally-different perspectives about psychology.

What is your partner talking about in the therapy room? What do psychologists really think about us? Do they forget about you, if you stop coming by? Is it actually possible, in one hour a week, to change someone’s life? Is it the big events that define our lives, or how we deal with them? ‘Would it all be different now if I had been referred to Ruud, and you to Nico?’

Text, acting, and concept: Yvonne Zeegers, Martin Rombouts
Made possible by Explore the North
